Update on School Fees

Dear Parents,

As there has been changes in the Ministry, unfortunately we cannot declare our fees at this point in time until the Ministry clarifies the situation for International Schools.

We apologise for the delay and we understand parents’ concerns but we are afraid that we all have to be patient and we ask you to bear with us until the situation clears soon.

Best Regards

Year 12 and 13 Tutorial – University Preparation

Year 12 and 13 spent their tutorial session working on realistic budgets for their time at University. Students were given a lump sum amount that they had to budget all living costs on for an entire year, giving them a real insight into the cost of daily living. Regular haircuts were sacrificed, walking rather than driving was favourable and pasta was a regular money saver for food, students from both year groups worked together to find a way to comfortably live at University. 

Congratulating our Alssonian Athletes

The weekend was busy for our Alssonian athletes. Congratulating our U12 Football Boys Team for winning 2nd place during the Invitational tournament at Choueifat School at 6th of October.
And a BIG SHOUT OUT to our U16 Football Boys Team, Champions of the CISSA tournament and our U16 Girls Football team for coming in 2nd place at the CISSA tournament. The Annual CISSA tournament was hosted by the British International School in Cairo.

Tahya Masr Fund Raising Campaign

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It is with great pleasure that we announce our participation and support of the “Tahya Masr Fund Raising Campaign” in schools throughout Cairo. This campaign is sponsored by Al-Ahly Bank of Egypt and the Ministry of Investment, and was proudly launched on January 24, 2017.

Over the coming weeks, Al-Ahly Bank of Egypt will send their representatives to spend one day in all participating schools.  These representatives will be available in a special booth where students will be able to contribute to the “Tahya Masr Fund Raising Campaign” by purchasing one (or more) voucher (s), at a cost 10.00LE each. The booth will be available at El Alsson this Wednesday 15.02.2017 from 10am till 2pm.

Thank you very much in advance. Any contribution you decide to share will be deeply appreciated.

School Administration

تجاوبا مع الحملة التى يتبناها البنك الأهلى المصرى بالتعاون مع وزارة الاستثمار من أجل تنمية صندوق (تحيا مصر) والتى بدأت فعلاً اليوم الثلاثاء 24/1/2017 , نتوجه بهذه الرسالة إلى ابنائنا شباب و أطفال مصر الأعزاء نستلهم فيهم روح الإنتماء

ونحيط سيادتكم علماً أن مندوب البنك الأهلى المصرى سيتواجد فى المدرسة  (الاربعاء 15.02.2017)، وسوف يقف فى مكان مجهز خصيصاً لهذا الغرض ليتثنى لطلابنا والعاملين بالمدرسة المشاركة بالتبرع

 سيكون التبرع عن طريق شراء كوبونات سعر الكوبون الواحد عشر جنيهات ، حيث يمكن لكل شخص شراء كوبون أو أكثر حسب طلب المتبرع

وشكراً جزيلاً لحسن تعاونكم معنا

إدارة المدرسة