American Small Hall Art Installation

The art installation in the American small hall was conceived, constructed and designed by Tijana Antonic and David Eyres. The idea behind it was to have a radical alternative to diffuse boards which break up reflected sound, making it easier to hear speech. Experimental and successful El Alsson is proud to make innovations.
The installation was mounted by Mostafa, our carpenter.

El Alsson School Uniform Shop

Dear Parents,

We are very excited to inform you that as of mid-August 2018, El Alsson School NewGiza will have the Uniform Shop on campus. It will be located in a dark Grey Kiosk to the left of the admin building whereby you can come in during school hours to purchase your child’s uniform items on the spot.

The uniform will remain the same ( blue trousers or shorts, yellow and/or blue tops / royal blue for the little ones and navy blue for the older ones) However, we are delighted to add a few additional items to add a more modern, comfortable and stylish flair to our look. These items include little royal blue skorts for the little girls (Yes, the skort is a skirt and a short combined), P.E. Yoga pants for big girls, a unisex cool track pants for P.E., an Adidas looking cotton short for P.E. as well as long sleeved P.E. shirts. We are also introducing navy blue Bermuda shorts for big boys and girls as a test ( per order only) and comfy hoodies with front pockets for winter.

Please note that:

  • Any student can and will be allowed to attend with their already purchased school uniform.
  • The School Uniform Shop on Mossadaq street will remain open for the month of August and you are free to buy your uniform from there if you wish. They are already offering discounts on many items.

Hoping you will love the idea and wishing you all a fabulous summer break.

Egypt safer than US and UK – Gallup poll

Egypt safer than US and UK – Gallup poll

Egypt has been ranked the safest country in Africa and higher than both the UK and US, according to a new global poll.

The annual Gallup Global Law and Order asked if people felt safe walking at night and whether they had been victims of crime.

The survey placed Egypt 16th out of 135 countries, while the UK was 21st and the US 35th.

Singapore was ranked the safest, with Venezuela was seen as the least.

Egypt got 88 out of 100 in the survey, placing it on the same level as countries like Denmark, Slovenia and China. This was an improvement on 2016, when it got 82.

Gallup’s Jon Clifton told the BBC that Egypt’s score reflected a trend over recent reports, which have seen Egyptians becoming increasingly trusting of the police.

Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has led the country since the military removed Mohammed Morsi in 2013.

His government has been battling Islamist militants who last year killed more than 70 people in suicide attacks against churches in the capital Cairo and in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria.

Militants allied to Islamic State have also launched several daring attacks in the Sinai Peninsula, targeting Egyptian troops operating.

Gallup says it interviewed 148,000 adults in 142 countries and areas for its survey.

Its questions revolved around confidence in local police, safety at night, cases of theft and whether participants or a family member had been mugged or assaulted within the past 12 months.

In Afghanistan (46%), Uganda (49%) and South Sudan (50%) residents were more likely than lowest ranked Venezuelan to say they had been the victims of theft in the past year.

Top five safest countries:

  • Singapore
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • Finland
  • Uzbekistan

Five least safe countries:

  • Venezuela
  • Afghanistan
  • South Sudan
  • Gabon
  • Liberia

South Sudan was ranked the least safe country in Africa.

The East African nation is followed by Gabon, Liberia and South Africa, one of the continent’s most popular tourist destinations.

Across sub-Saharan Africa, just 60% of people polled told Gallup they were confident in the local police force, rising to 68% across North Africa and the Middle East.

Rwanda scored highest on the continent when it came to safety at night, with 88% of people saying they would be happy to walk about after dark.

Click here for Original Article on BBC World

DOQ Winner Hady El Kordy goes to IMG

Hady EL Kordy, a Grade 7 Alssonian has won the Discovery open qualifier  DOQ tournament 2017. His prize was nothing less than to spend an entire week of intensive training at the IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. This was a great experience for Hady who just came back yesterday and shared it with us.

El Alsson is super proud of Hady. The IMG Academy hosted top world tennis players …it is owned and managed by the legendary Nick Bollettieri and it provides young athletes with the opportunity to train at a higher level. WAY TO GO HADY….We are ever so proud of you!



World Cup Fever for Year 9

Year 9 were gripped with world cup fever and as part of their Final presentations, presented their world cup bids to Year 6 on Taster day. The year 9 students had been working on their world cup projects for the last weeks with the aim of putting together a world cup bid for a country they were given, researching areas such as population, climate and accessibility. A great time was had by all. Thanks to Mr Iain and the Geography department for putting it all together  Â