Alsson Kheir initiative 2020
El Alsson British and American International School in New Giza would like to announce the Alsson Kheir initiative 2020.
We are always very impressed with the generosity and care that our families demonstrate during Ramadan. This is a tradition we would like to continue and develop. Last year we gave out 350 boxes and prepared Iftar for 150 orphans. We are looking forward to giving out more boxes this year.
As a school, we believe not only that charity and community service begins at home, but also that children benefit from giving of their time and efforts.
With Ramadan approaching, we invite students to make voluntary donations to support Alsson ElKheir this Ramadan. Funds collected will be used to support activities that students will participate in including:
- packing and distributing whole-sale dry goods to create Ramadan bags to support our school-sponsored families, orphanages as well as support staff.
- sponsoring anĀ iftarfor children in need who we support as a school community.
- providing additional material needs to local orphanages and families in need as we are able
Children of all ages, across the schools, will have the opportunity to work together to organize, pack and distribute items, while also learning the importance of teamwork and the spirit of giving. Students will be guided and supported in this process through our teachers and leadership teams.
A donation of 200 LE or more if you wish will allow us to make other families happy.
Please send your donations to the class teacher / homeroom / or relevant office in a sealed and labelled envelope by the 26st of March. The sooner your contribution is received, the faster we proceed.
Wishing you all a Ramadan Kareem.
Alsson Elkheir Team