Welcome to the Key Stage 2 Accelerated Reader page.  Here you will find all the information you need and will be able to access any web pages linked to Accelerated Reader1445506190

What is Accelerated Reader?

It is an online programme that monitors and assesses children’s progress in reading.

How does it work?

  • Children are tested at the beginning to find their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) score.
  • The children will then be able to choose a variety of books from within the book level linked to their ZPD.
  • After the child has finished reading the book, they will then take a quiz to test how well they have read and understood the book.If they pass the tests, the children will score points to move up to the next levels.

    How will this help my child?

    It tests the children’s reading ability and more importantly their COMPREHENSION and understanding of the text.

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All books are levelled so they match the children’s ability, whilst challenging them.

Teachers and Parents can log into the website to see the child’s progress.

When the children complete tests and quizzes, teachers can then analyse the data to see where a child is doing well, and where they may need support.


Children Please Remember …………

1445506190 (1)AR Book Level is not the same as your NC level you are working at and should not get confused

E.g. You could be a level 4B, but only be a book level 2 in AR

  • You cannot change book levels or move up until you have earned enough points
  • Do not try to sit quizzes without thoroughly reading the books …… You will fail the quiz and this will put you backwards!

AR Bookfinder

Children do not need to ONLY read the books that we have in school.  Children can search for books at their level on the Accelerated Reader Bookfinder website.  Click on the book above to go to the website.

To use Quick Search in AR BookFinder:

1. Go to www.arbookfind.com

2. Click the Quick Search tab (on the top of the page).

3. Type a book title, author, topic, or quiz number into the blank field.

4. Click Go.

5. To narrow the results, select any of the options on the left of the screen under Refine Your Search. You can continue to refine your search until you get your desired results.

6. To create a book list from the titles you have found, click Add to AR BookBag below the description of any book you want to add to your list.

Finally, we would like to thank you in advance for your support in taking part in the AR reading program.

Letters Home

We have sent a variety of letters and documents home to support parents and children with using Accelerated Reader.  Below you will find all the letters and documents that have been sent home.


Children can now quiz at home.  Please click on the links to take a quiz!

It is very important that the children do take the quizzes independently and without any support from parents or siblings, so we would ask you not to help the children with their quizzes. 1445506192

If you would like to support your child and ensure they do well in the quizzes, please take the time to read the book with them and discuss the book as you read.  This will greatly influence their understanding of the book and therefore the child will do well in the quiz.


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Please click on the links below for more information about the Accelerated Reader

A Parents Guide to Accelerated Reader – Condensed

Accelerated Reader Detailed Letter

Accelerated Reading Introduction