Celebrating our AP Results and AP Scholars
We were very happy last year to see 34 Grade 11 and 12 participating in the 2nd year of our challenging Advanced Placement (AP) program. A total of 59 exams were sat by El Alsson students in May 2015 and our results are very promising for this new and growing program. The AP Program provides students the opportunity to take university-level courses while in High School. Students receiving scores of 3, 4 or 5 on the CollegeBoard’s AP exams can receive advance university credit from thousands of post-secondary institutions around the world. For most students, the 2015 exam sitting was their first AP exam experience.
Our students have done extremely well on our 2015 AP exams:
Score Percentage of exams receiving score
5 (extremely well-qualified) 10%
4 (well qualified) 27%
3 (qualified) 37%
Of the subjects for which El Alsson students took exams, 60% of AP exams in Egypt received a score of 3 or above and 58% of exams taken globally received a score of 3 or above.
El Alsson has topped the Egyptian and global average with 74% of exams receiving a score of 3 or above.
An extra special congratulations to our 2015 AP Scholar Award recipients.
Students who have achieved a score of 3 or above on three or more AP exams receive a CollegeBoard AP Scholar Award. The 2015 recipients are:
Omar Abdelfattah G12
Mona Abdou G12
Ahmed Sourani G11
Amr Genina G11
Dina Mohamed G11
Students who have received an score of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams and an average score of at least 3.25 receive a CollegeBoard AP Scholar with Honor Award. The 2015 recipients are:
Farah Oraby G12
Yasmeen Samy G12
Well done to all of our AP Students!!