El Alsson Parent Council
Dear Parents,
As we are approaching the end of the first term, we are delighted to announce the re-launch of a key initiative within our school community which will ensure that parent involvement can continue to grow in all areas of life at El Alsson. It is very important for the development of the children to see their parents involved in their school and helping with different activities that increase their enrichment and provide them with an incredible experience at El Alsson.
We are excited to reintroduce the El Alsson Parent Council, which will continue to be defined and grow to serve the primary purpose of increasing the enrichment of the El Alsson students through different programs, events, and activities outside their classroom time. The key ingredient to the success of the Parent Council is volunteers. We are very lucky that our school community is one that prides itself with having close ties to one another, making it that much easier to work together to make it an even more positive experience for our children.
It is important to note that the success of the Parent Council will be determined by how we, as a school community, adhere to the purpose of the Council as well as increasing the overall volunteerism culture within the parent community. There will also be teacher and administration involvement in the Council in order to increase the communication between the parents and the staff.
The El Alsson Parent Council will be rolled out gradually with some activity taking place this school year, and we aim to be fully functional with a wide variety of committees and activities by the beginning of the 2023-24 academic year. Additional information will be available at our first meeting.
We would like to invite you to an information session to be held in the American School Small Hall on Wednesday, November 9th at 9:00am.
We are really looking forward to an amazing experience and to have a strong and successful Parent Council to serve the entire El Alsson community. We hope to see as many interested parents at our information session on Wednesday!
Kind Regards,
Colin Rogers, Soumaya Amr, Karim Rogers, Allison Fleet & Matt Topliss
School Directors and Principals