March 23, 2017

Latest on Basketball and Swimming


On Friday 17th March 2017 a squad of 20 boys and girls took part in the annual varsity Basketball CISSA tournament at BISC School. There were four boys teams and three girls teams, both had to play all teams in their competition. The girls proudly have dominated their tournament wining all games finishing champions of the day and also won the sportsmanship award for their outstanding performance and attitude, well done. The boys also have played some good Basketball, won two games and lost one finishing 2nd place, well done.


On Friday 17th March our U13 and U15 boys swimming team took part in the Swimming gala that took place at BISC School. The boys did extremely well on the day, they competed in 11 different races, won first place in all relays, won first place for U13 breast stroke and butter fly, came second in U13 back stroke, came third in U15 crawl, breast and butter fly. Overall score is second place out of seven schools took part so they deserve a very well done.

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