Dear Parents,

Welcome to the El Alsson family. We hope your children enjoy their school life just as the 39 graduating classes who preceded them :). El Alsson is very excited to have them onboard and is honoured for their valuable addition to our community.

This document is to clarify information which may be confusing to you as a newcomer and to provide answers to common questions. The Parents’ section of the website has important information. Please read it.

What about the First Day of School?

Every year, we announce the school entry schedule on the calendar and announcements section of the website in August. Students in Grades 2-12 and Years 3-13  start school on Monday September 2nd.   Early Years (EY) and Early Childhood (EC) have their first days staggered through the remainder of the week as per information on our website.  Preschool (PS), Pre-K (PK), FS1 and FS2 children have a staggered entry.  Parents of these children will receive email or sms informing them of which day and group your child has been assigned to for his/her first day.

However, this was the case in normal previous school years. Since this year is different with Covid 19 and all the different measures all schools and businesses are taking, Please refer to the information below on details:


What about the School Uniform?

All students are expected to attend school in the proper school uniform, except for students in Grades 11-12 and Year 12-13 who follow a dress code. El Alsson Uniform is now available on El Alsson Mobile app. You can download the app from the App store/Google play and enjoy a great shopping experience. The New El Alsson Uniform Store is also open on campus. If you need to purchase any uniform items at the moment, kindly visit the School Uniform Shop any working day from 8:30 am till 1:30 pm. Fro more details about the uniform, use this link

Where do I get the Uniform from?

El ALsson has a uniform Shop on campus which opens during the regular school hours

What are Junior Uniforms and Senior Uniforms?

Students Grade 5 / Year 6 and lower wear the Junior uniform.
Students Grade 6 / Year 7 and higher wear the Senior uniform.
Students in Grades 11-12 / Year 12-13 follow a dress code.

Who needs to have a PE kit?

Students Grade 2 / Year 3 and up must attend PE in proper PE kit.  PE kit is available at uniform outlets.

Do I need to label my child’s uniform?

Yes, all your child’s belongings must be labeled.

What school supplies do I need to bring for my child?

There is a standard supply list for students in Grade 5 / Year 6 and lower.  These are posted on the school website in August.
Bakier Stationery Shop has tailor-made school supply packs that match our supply lists at special offer (10% off if purchased at any store or online).

Please click here for the complete supply lists, Bakier offers and promo codes and the exclusions

Students in Grade 6 / Year 7 and up receive individual supply lists from their subject teachers.  All students should come to school with a notebook and pen on their first day.