Dear Parents,
We have been reviewing our schedules of essential people in school and for everyone’s safety, we will now be reducing the number of people and the numbers of days we are open. Last week we had to have quite a lot of people in clearing up after the storms, but now this week, with almost everyone working from home, and meetings held on-line, we realised we could considerably reduce the number of people actually in school.
To keep essential services going we will now be open 2 days a week on Sunday and Wednesday from 8.00am to 1.00pm. The services that are open on these days are:
- Registrar. Personnel.
- HR. Telephonist.
- Nurse. Cashiers.
There will also be a few cleaners and housekeepers to keep public areas clean and some of the maintenance staff for routine work. Security continues to operate as normal.
If you need to speak to any of the above departments you can phone on Sunday or Wednesday. You can also email at anytime. This mailbox is monitored daily and your enquiry will be sent to the relevant person. Teachers, of course, are all working from home and they are in contact with their students and Senior Leadership Teams by phone and on-line. If you need to contact someone for any educational reasons, remember you can email your child’s teacher(s). Finally, if you wish to come to school to deal with a financial matter, make a payment or collect a trips refund you will be allowed in as all accounts enquiries are dealt with through the glass windows of the cashiers’ desks and therefore safe for you and the cashier.
And by the way…… if you do have to come to school you will find sanitizers everywhere: at gate 4, in the main reception and outside all key offices and public facilities.
Stay safe and try and stay at home!